Saturday, February 6, 2010

January's over already??

I know I say it all the time... Time is flying by much too fast for my taste. January was busy and, looking at my calendar, filled with dinners w/ friends and family members, which are always fun. Here are my highlights!

- An enjoyable dinner at the Jordan River Temple cafeteria with my friend Kim
- Meeting our friend Ollie & Renee's new baby Juliet ("Baby Jet") - Jeremy's stepmom Brenda's birthday dinner at Matt & Britton's
- Dinner at Cheesecake Factory with my old friend Sheri (former mission companion, now mom of 3 in Heber) - Dinner at Jeremy's mom's (Workmans) - always healthy & scrumdili-icious!!
- A nice day off to honor MLK with a lounging day with my sister and a visit to Park City with Jeremy
- Dinner at PFChang's with my friend & co-worker Kristin McQuivey to celebrate her birthday - A gourmet, homemade dinner with the other RS Presidency and both EQ Presidencies, prepared by the men. Impressive!
- Dinner and a movie (Leap Year) with my friend Melanie
- A lovely steak Sunday dinner at cousin Scott & Shannon's - so fun to chat w/ them for hours

- A fun birthday get-together to celebrate my friend Amy's birthday
- Dinner as a RS Presidency at our new bishop's house to get to know him & his wife - such a yummy dinner, I snagged all her recipes in their recently published recipe book! Excited to try some delicious menu items! Thanks, Sally!

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