Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pioneer Day Weekend

Every year on the 23rd of July, Bountiful holds its Annual Pioneer Day Parade, which all of the Willeys faithfully attend. This year was no exception. We expected a shorter parade (with the current economy), but we actually got a longer parade with more vehicles, less floats. Then we had a potluck bbq at Jeremy's aunts' house and watched some good fireworks. Jeremy's sister Amy and her family were in town from Phoenix, so we got to hang out with them a bit too.

On Saturday, I got together with some girls that I grew up with in Kennewick. We'd planned this get-together a few months ago for the six of us, and two weren't able to make it. But the four of us still had a great time catching up, hearing about each others' families and lives. It was great.
Sherrie, Donna Hunt Mercer, Laurel Banner Orr, and Marci Peterson Burnside


Winnett's said...

Oh Sherrie!! Look how hott you are! Your blog is so cute!!
-Kim Winnett

Mister Mogle said...

Yo, that is a pic for the Archives! I haven't seen some of those faces for 20+ years. Andy